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By 26 June 2017, 941 kinds of digital currencies were recorded on Coinmarketcap and the total market capitalization exceeded $100 billion, which is 50 times larger than 5 years ago. Since 2017, growth rates of market capitalization and volume traded for the top 20 cryptocurrencies has been 383% and 985% respectively.
The secondary market has witnessed the growth in value of digital currencies. There are around 98 digital currency exchanges and tens of millions of active investors worldwide.
According to Coinmarketcap, 24h trading volume was over $4 billion on 26 June 2017. Currently, East Asia, North America and Europe are the biggest markets of crypto currencies. The percentage of trading volume for the three markets is about 63%, 25% and 11% respectively. The price of coins differs among these markets. In East Asia, Bitcoin and Ethereum are often sold at a premium of 3–5%. Early in July, Ethereum in South Korea was nearly 10% more expensive than the global average. By contrast, the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum in Europe and North America are lower than the global average.
Our Mission
Bridge digital currency exchanges around the world and realize investors’ cross-exchange trading, cross-exchange clearing, deposits and withdrawals among different digital currencies and assets.
Improve trading efficiency and performance of exchanges and realize the market-oriented distribution of digital currencies’ liquidity and best price offers.
First, bridge the exchanges in terms of trading, deposits, withdrawals and clearing through agreements among digital currency exchanges and offer discounts on trading fees; provide deals on credit and margin trading. Soon afterwards, build Exchange Union Chain and realize the full interconnection among digital currency exchanges through blockchain technique.
Why invest in Exchange Union Coin?
Expert partnership among the international exchanges, XUC will go public on exchanges within 2 months after the end of ICO.
XUC liquidity premium, high trading liquidity on secondary market increases token price. XUC universality premium, XUC can be accepted by majority of exchanges and used as clearing intermediary. Relatively large discounts of trading fees within exchanges. Value increase brought by deals on credit and margin trading.
Industry pain point: the isolation of exchanges
For regional reasons, fiat currency, language and the investment environment, digital currency exchanges tend to be localized and isolated. Not all digital currencies are available to customers in every region and the prices vary quite substantially. In addition, services provided by exchanges differ and not all trading information can be found on the open market. This becomes an obstacle to cross-country or cross-region trading, clearing, deposit and withdrawal — a major inconvenience for investors. Furthermore, this could affect global digital currency liquidity, market-oriented distribution and best pric discovery, limiting the nature and advantage of digital currencies.
Roadmap of Exchange Union


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